Friday, April 23, 2010

Selling a House so We Can "Go..."

Please, please, please pray for our home to sell so we can live in Kenya and serve widows and orphans. Lisa's health could use some prayers, too! For more info. on ministry in Kenya, see the page under the header titled, CARE for Nations.

Big hugs and blessings to all who are in "crazy love with Jesus" and showing it to others!
(it's the greatest commandment coupl
ed with the great co-mission! Very cool, Linny at


Chandra said...

Praying for you!!

From all of us with love said...

I will be praying for your health and for where God sends you.

laura said...

Father,we know your timing is perfect. This family has been called by You to serve overseas. Father, make their paths straight, sell their home, so that they may continue on the path that You have set for them. In Jesus'Name, Amen.

Deb said...

Praying! Thanks for the same....

Mommy of little ones said...

praying for you! i could feel your excitement coming through your post. remember that man makes his plans, but the Lord directs his steps :). bless you!

sarah said...

I just want to say I went through and read some of your older post. I love your very simple style of writing and showing the world you live for Jesus! I will pray for your home to sell so you can move to Kenya. We have 4 youth from our church going this summer.

Sarah said...

Whew! Rejoicing with you and learning to dance as well. We just returned home from serving overseas as a family!

And delighted to meet you. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit. This looks like a refreshing place to splash in God's goodness.

Splashing for his glory,

from all of us with love said...

continuing to pray for your family. I will check back to see what is new. I love your lasted post advocating for adoption. Thank you
from an adopted adpotee.

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