Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello!!  Below is some information from our friend, Deborah Caves at Colorado Coalition of Adoptive Families.  Please review and see if it's something that can serve your family.
We pray for all our families to experience God's amazing grace.

Colorado Coalition of Adoptive Families Newsletter
Newsletter SupplementFebruary 2012
Quick Links...

It's not often that we send out two newsletters in such a short amount of time, but the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) is offering two free webinars that we really thought many of the adoptive families would be interested in attending.  Both deal with adoption assistance for those who have adopted from the foster care system; be sure to attend even if you think your current situation is fine:  You never know when your situation may change, and knowledge is power.

Hope your January ends on a high note and February warms your heart,

Deborah Cave, Executive Director
NACAC Adoption Assistance Benefits and Eligibility Webinar

January 31, 2012
1:30 p.m.

Josh Kroll will present information about adoption assistance benefits, including which children are eligible and the benefits available. The session will be of use to prospective adopters as well as parents who are seeking to make a change in the child's benefits due to changes in the child's needs or family's circumstances. Click here to register.  
NACAC Adoption Assistance Advocacy Webinar

February 7, 2012
1:30 p.m.

With state budgets continuing to be tight, adoptive parents, adoption professionals, and other child advocates will need to be vigilant in case legislators seek to balance budgets by reducing adoption assistance benefits. In this webinar, Adoption Subsidy Resource Center project coordinator Josh Kroll will explore advocacy strategies to maintain and enhance adoption subsidy programs. Click here to register.
Research on Dual-Diagnosis Children

Steve Harvey, Esq., JD, MA, with Colorado Legal Services, is researching obstacles that families of dual diagnosis children on Medicaid face when trying to access mental health services. For instance, children with behavioral problems that are consistent with a mental illness diagnosis who also have a Developmental Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, are sometimes denied services by the Behavioral Health Organizations and Community Mental Health Centers on the basis that the behavioral problems are due to the non-Mental Illness diagnosis and therefore not the responsibility of the Medicaid mental health system. Mr. Harvey would like to talk with anyone who has encountered this problem and learn your story, in order to inform his research and advocacy effort.

In addition, if anyone has had any experience with Intercept Center at Aurora Mental Health or Colorado West Regional Mental Health in Grand Junction, Mr. Harvey would appreciate your input about your experiences at those facilities.

You can contact Steve Harvey by phone at
303-866-9346 or by email

Surviving & Thriving  Finally Home Foundation
Surviving & Thriving, A Free Marriage and Family Wellness Event
Saturday, March 3, 2012
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (check-in at 8:30 a.m.)
3920 South Shields Street  
Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
RSVP by February 27th
This course is designed for foster and adoptive families.  Lunch and refreshments provided.  Childcare and activities available for children 0-12 years.  For more information and registration, contact Kristin Orphan at
NACAC Income Tax Links

Below are links to a number of resources for adoptive families.

NACAC's resources focus on adoptions of children with special needs from foster care, but may also be of use to other adoptive families.

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